Meet Godwishes Jofrey

Godwishes Jofrey

Godwishes was born on February 24th, 1995, he's in the seventh grade class of Rhotia Primary in Rhotia, Tanzania.
His father's name is Jofrey, and mother's name is Victoria. Godwishes does not have any brother or sisters, his mother separated from his father when he was 18 months, and he doesn't know his father. He and his mother lived with their grandmother till he was three years old. His mother then left for Arusha to look for a job. She was unable to find work, so Godwishes' aunt gave his mother a little money, and she started selling second hand clothes from house to house. She is still doing that work and living in Arusha.
Godwishes lives with his Aunt Martha and Uncle Boniface in a home 3.5 km from Rhotia Primary school. They depend on farming and grow maize, beans and pigeon nuts and sometimes wheat. These crops give them enough to eat, but not enough to sell. They have no other income for expenses such as school fees.
He helps on the farm and does domestic jobs at home. Godwishes struggles in school, although his best subjects are Swahili, English, Social Studies, and Science. He has trouble with Mathematics.
Godwishes enjoys playing football. When he finishes Primary School at the end of 2008- 2009 school year, he would like to enroll in secondary school. He then hopes to attend a technical school to learn plumbing since he wants to make that his occupation.
He would like to have the computer training class, since he wants to learn about other people, countries and other information the Internet offers. He is interested in America and would like to know more about America and the people.
Godwishes has started computer training in Project Rhotia's computer Lab. Dianna and Michael McGrath have chosen to be his Level One Sponsors